miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Personality test

Which game character are you most like?


1) A traffic cop stops you for a routine control:

a. No sweat, you always have all your documents with you: ID, driving license, car registration papers, proof of insurance, family tree diagram, emergency numbers to call in case of emergency, blood group, health records, complete medical check-up results, bank details, graduation papers and all your grades since kindergarten.
b. You steal his whistle, climb onto his shoulders, hit him with his nightstick to make him go forward and blow into all the breath tests.

2) You see a greasy piece of paper on the ground:

a. Cool! Perhaps there’s something left in there that still resembles a French fry.
b. You faint and are taken to the hospital. The doctors still can’t say whether you’ll ever come out of the coma.

3) It’s the last day for filing your tax return:

a. You already did it months ago, just a few hours after having received the form in the post...
b. The form never arrived. You ate your mailbox ages ago, including all the letters stuffed in it, and the mailman’s bike.

4) A crazy pit bull is coming right at you:

a. It has to be said: perhaps you shouldn’t have tried putting those snails up his nose.
b. You will never be able answer this question. You have had a heart attack just by reading it.

Results: If you have a certain percentage of A’s or B’s, you are a human. Careful though: you may be killing the Rabbid that’s deep inside you somewhere.

If you are not reading this test, but eating a brick while hitting yourself over the head with a Yorkshire Terrier (or vice versa) then you are probably a Rabbid (or maybe a penguin, but further tests will be necessary to figure this out).

Logic TEST: these two humans are in fact both Rabbids, except one. Which one?

For the Rabbidmaniacs out there:

an emoticon & a messenger avatar:



2 comentarios:

LuceBuona dijo...

Jajaja esta genial el test! Me imagine a los rabbids haciendo de las suyas... no, no quiero callar al raving dentro de mí ; )

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